Manually decontaminating your ambulance and firehouse is costing you time, money and compromising the safety of your patients and staff

AeroClave: Automated, No-Touch Decon

Eliminate the human error associated with conventional cleaning methods.

AeroClave fogging an EPA approved disinfectant into the back of an ambulance.

Press the start button and a fine mist envelops the entire interior of your ambulance, reaching into every corner and covering all surface areas.

The AeroClave process provides consistent, reliable delivery of the right amount of disinfectant, decontaminating to OSHA and NFPA specifications every time.


​​​​​​​ Reduces staff & patient exposure to dangerous pathogens.

​​​​​​​ Faster process requiring less labor.

​​​​​​​ Safe for sensitive electronic equipment.

 Consistent, reliable delivery of disinfectant.

​​​​​​​ Improves unit turn-around time.

 Improved cleanliness.

See how WPFD reduced unscheduled leave by over 34%

"Our analysis shows that since the introduction of regular, enhanced infection control procedures utilizing the AeroClave system, we have witnessed an approximate 34% decrease in UTO from previous years. "


Jim White, Chief

Winter Park Fire Rescue Department

AeroClave reduced sick leave by 34% at WPFD.

AeroClave is fast, cost effective and safe.  

Look at the Numbers


Cost per treatment cycle

( Low cost of ownership and operation )


Minutes to complete cycle

​​​​​​​( Get back in service )


Staff members inside the treatment area

​​​​​​​( Out of harm;s way )


Staff member needed operate


( Just push the button }​​​​​​​

The Next Generation of Decontamination

AeroClave™ provides multiple solutions to the EMS and First Responder communities.

RDS 3110

The Triple Play!

The RDS 3110 provides the capability to decontaminate vehicles, rooms and equipment anytime-anywhere.

The only solution on the market to combine hands-free decontamination of rooms/facilities and vehicles with the ability to hand-spray equipment.


Designed for Type I & III Ambulances 

The ADP-PT is a cost-effective option to be used in conjunction with your RDS 3110 to decontaminate the interior of a vehicle.

The ADP-PT is to be installed into an exterior compartment.  The assembly includes a built-in 8 foot hose with plug-and-play fitting to easily connect to your RDS 3110.  Hose is always on-board when needed.


Always On-Board Decon

The ADS is directly integrated into your new or existing vehicle to provide the most convenient way decontaminate your vehicle's patient compartment quickly, safely, and effectively.

Discover the

Power of AeroClave

Get all the information you need to evaluate the AeroClave solutions from white papers, case studies, product specs and much more! 

Make it easy on yourself and get everything you need in one, easy to use, Evaluation Kit.

Departments of All Sizes 

Below are a few of the departments that use our systems. 

Boston Fire Department

Boston Fire Department

Boston, MA

St Johns County   Fire Rescue Department

St Johns County  
Fire Rescue Department

St Augustine, FL

Bossier City Fire  Department

Bossier City Fire 

Bossier City, LA

Frisco Fire   Department

Frisco Fire  

Frisco, TX

Contact us for references and copies of the SOPs currently in use.


All our products may be covered by an extended warranty package.

Special Financing

Talk to us about special lease financing and grant opportunities.


AeroClave Store

Buy accessories and consumables online at our store.

Click Here

Get Help Buying

Need more information?

Call 800-788-9119

The AeroClave Protocol​​​​​​​

Study shows that AeroClave is 90% more effective than manual cleaning alone.

AeroClave RDS 3110 disinfecting a locker room.

Fogging = Effective Decontamination

AeroClave’s room fogging technology creates a fine, atomized particle that reaches into nooks, crevices and corners that disinfecting sprays & wipes just can't reach. The dry mist permeates the entire area disinfecting surfaces while reaching under counters and furniture.

Fire crew manually cleaning an ambulance.

AeroClave vs. Manual Cleaning

Studies show that manual cleaning may actually be spreading dangerous pathogens to previously non-contaminated surfaces. In addition, human error and ineffective techniques may significantly lessen the effectiveness of standard methods of disinfection.  

Safety is job one.

Safe & Environmentally Friendly

Chlorine bleach produces harmful by-products to the environment. The EPA registered hospital disinfectant AeroClave uses breaks down to a simple salt and produces no harmful by-products. Safe for your equipment, staff and the environment.

Destroys Pathogens

The proprietary AeroClave Process, utilizes an EPA approved hospital disinfectant to decontaminate rooms, vehicles, and equipment as an adjunct to gross decontamination.  

Proven effective against MRSA, HIV-1, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Ebola, MERS, CRE, E. coli, Norovirus, H1N1, Legionella pneumophilia, Salmonella, Listeria, mold, mildew and much more.

RDS 3110 decontaminating bunker gear in less than 20 minutes.

" It's not what I can see, but what I can't see that bothers me the most. Using AeroClave has given me added assurance that we are doing everything we can to protect our patients, our firefighters and their families. "

Jim White, Chief

Winter Park Fire Rescue Department

Keys to Success

The best way to prevent germs from infecting more people is to break the chain of infection.

1.  Break the chain of infection

No matter if viruses and bacteria come from a biological event or through day-to-day contact, germs spread from person to person through a common series of events. The best way to prevent germs from infecting more people is to break the chain of infection. AeroClave’s fully automated technology helps to eliminate the human error associated with conventional cleaning methods, thereby enhancing existing disinfection protocols in hospitals, aircraft and emergency vehicles.

2.  ​​​​​​​Reactive vs. Proactive

When most think of decontamination, they think of worst case scenarios:  a pandemic flu, the Ebola outbreak, a biological attack with smallpox.  Decontamination is immediately thought of as a reactive technology.  There is an event and you use the equipment to mitigate the effects of that one event.  

The AeroClave Protocol turns this thinking on its head and transforms decontamination into a proactive tool.

AeroClave is a proactive solution.
Use the RDS 3110 to decon the entire firehouse.

3.  Whole House Decon

AeroClave's solutions are unique in that they are truly multi-functional.  The same system used on the ambulance can be used all over the station.  Dayrooms, bunk rooms, kitchen, turn out room...absolutely everywhere. 

And using the equipment proactively has significantly lowered sick time. 

Some Common Questions

Below are some of the more common questions about the AeroClave Process

What disinfectant is used?

AeroClave uses Vital Oxide, an EPA registered hospital disinfectant that is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial that performs against a wide variety of bacteria, yeasts, viruses, fungi, spores, molds, mildews, and other microbes. It is ready to fog right from the bottle. Vital Oxide includes components that dramatically decrease the size of its particles making it perfect for use in the AeroClave Process.

How do we kill viruses?

The process kills viruses by altering and preventing protein formation.  This is done through a reaction to peptone, a water-soluble substance that is formed from hydrolysis of proteins to amino acids.  The virus effectively starves to death.

What is the active ingredient?

The main ingredient in Vital Oxide is chlorine dioxide (CIO2).  CIO2 has been recognized for its powerful disinfecting properties since the early 1900’s.  Although it has chlorine in its name, its chemistry is very different from the corrosive chemistry of chlorine bleach.

Safe for your staff and equipment

The AeroClave Process qualifies for a health and safety rating of 0 (HMIS=0) and an EPA toxicity rating of Category 4, meaning that exposure exhibits no oral or inhalation toxicities, and only a mild irritation when sprayed directly into the eyes.  In fact, no special personal protective equipment is required during spraying or fogging except eye protection.

How do we destroy bacteria?

Bacteria are killed through the process of oxidation. The CIO2 aerosolized by the AeroClave Process steals electrons from the amino acid of the microbial cell. By stealing an electron from the amino acid, CIO2 chemically alters the amino acid preventing it from building protein.  Without the protein, the cell wall crumbles and the unprotected organism inside dies.  The bacterial cell is destroyed. 

Want to know more?

Download our brochure outlining the entire AeroClave Process from the link below.