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Call 800-788-9119 (+1 407-788-3300)
Military and Aircraft Decontamination
AeroClave, LLC. offers a full portfolio of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) and custom products to rapidly decontaminate commercial and military aircraft, vehicles, facilities and equipment without subjecting components or cleaning crews to potentially harmful environments.
AeroClave was founded in 2003 for the purpose of developing, manufacturing and selling a system capable of decontaminating commercial and military aircraft from pandemic-producing viruses and other disease-causing pathogens.
Working with the US Department of Defense, AeroClave has fully tested and proven effective their proprietary methods in a wide variety of large-scale decontamination scenarios. AeroClave uses thermal desorption to sterilize both the exterior and interior of the aircraft.
Thermal desorption is a sophisticated process of temperature and humidity manipulation to create an environment that is lethal to disease causing agents without damaging the aircraft, building or vehicle being treated.
The only aircraft decontamination system approved by both the FAA and DoD
Laboratory research contracted by the FAA Air Transportation Center of Excellence for Airliner Cabin Environment Research (ACER) shows AeroClave's decontamination approach achieves a 100% kill rate of biological indicators.
Military & Aircraft Inquiry
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Timeline of Success
June, 2006
The United States Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) tested AeroClave’s system at their Airliner Cabin Environmental Research (ACER) Center of Excellence. Simultaneously, the U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical and Biological Center (ECBC) performed a thorough and independent validation of the AeroClave system on a DC-9 aircraft, proving efficacy and repeatability.
February, 2007
The AeroClave process was reviewed by the FAA for use on Part 121 and 135 aircraft, and was found to be compliant with all regulations and aircraft manufacturers’ product specifications.
March, 2007
AeroClave successfully demonstrated both Thermal Desorption and Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide (VHP) decontamination of a Boeing 747 aircraft at the FAA’s Civilian Aeromedical Institute (CAMI) in Oklahoma City.
September, 2008
AeroClave successfully completed a two week test demonstrating Large-Frame Aircraft Decontamination (LFADS I) with the United States Air Force Air Mobility Command (AMC) and Air Force Research Lab (AFRL). AeroClave consistently achieved a 6-log kill of their live anthrax simulant (Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki) on every test run.
July, 2011
AeroClave was contracted through AFRL to perform a series of full-scale aircraft decontamination tests on an Air Force C-130 transport aircraft at Little Rock AFB as part of the Joint Biological Agent Decontamination System (JBADS I) program. This consisted of running multiple decontamination cycles under varying parameters, using test coupons inoculated with an anthrax surrogate as verification of success. AeroClave achieved success on every cycle.
FY 2013-2015
AeroClave successfully completed the JBADS JCTD Operational Utility Assessment demonstrating the ability to encapsulate and decontaminate a C-130 of biological warfare agents, utilizing thermal desorption.
FY 2015 - present
AeroClave’s thermal desorption process/system were awarded a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 7 rating. TRL’s are a method of evaluating the technical maturity of Critical Technology Elements (CTE) of a program during the acquisition process. They are determined during a Technology Readiness Assessment (TRA) that evaluates program concepts, technology requirements, and demonstrated technology capabilities. A TRL 7 (Prototype near or at planned operational system) rating requires success of an actual system prototype operating in an operational environment. This is the final TRL prior to moving into a production status.
AeroClave™ COTS Products
AeroClave provides multiple solutions for defense and homeland security.
RDS 3110
The Triple Play!
The RDS 3110 provides the capability to decontaminate vehicles, rooms and equipment anytime-anywhere.
The only solution on the market to combine hands-free decontamination of rooms/facilities and vehicles with the ability to hand-spray equipment.
Transportable Chamber
The AeroClave™ transPortable Asset Decontamination System (tPADS) is an environmentally friendly, computer controlled chamber that utilizes dual decontamination technologies.