'Superbug' fungus new menace in U.S. hospitals

A strain of Candida auris cultured in a petri dish at a CDC laboratory.(Shawn Lockhart/CDC via AP)

By Mike Stobbe
Associated Press

NEW YORK — A 'superbug' fungus is emerging as a new menace in U.S. hospitals, mostly in New York and New Jersey.

First identified in Japan in 2009, the fungus has spread to more than a dozen countries around the globe. The oldest of the 66 cases reported in the U.S. dates back to 2013, but most were reported in the last year.

A strain of Candida auris cultured in a petri dish at a CDC laboratory. (Shawn Lockhart/CDC via AP)

The fungus called Candida auris is a harmful form of yeast. Scientists say it can be hard to identify with standard lab tests. U.S. health officials sounded alarms last year because two of the three kinds of commonly used antifungal drugs have little effect.

"It's acting like a superbug" bacteria,......